Mothers Union

Mothers’ Union is an international Christian charity that seeks to support families worldwide. With groups in 81 countries, Mothers’ Union members share one heartfelt vision – to bring about a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful, and flourishing relationships. Members are not all mothers, or even all women. Single, married, parents, grandparents, or young adults just beginning to express their social conscience. For all 4 million members what Mothers’ Union provides is a network through which they can serve Christ in their own community – through prayer, financial support and actively working at the grassroots level in programmes that meet local needs. We lobby local and national governments on issues affecting family life and campaign to challenge legislation that neglects the vulnerable and marginalised. We are also represented at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.


The Mothers’ Union in Melton Mowbray

The St Mary’s Branch has been in existence for over 100 years having been founded on 23rd March 1893. Research into Parish Records found the following report in a Parish Magazine of the time:

“A talk was given on Friday 17th February 1893 at 7.30pm in the Colles Hall to a
large audience of the Mothers Meeting Group by Mrs Creighton, the wife of the
Lord Bishop of Peterborough, about the Mothers Union, founded by Mary Sumner,
the aim of which was the temporal and spiritual welfare of our children and those
present were recommended to consider joining.

A Special Service in connection with this body was held in St Mary’s Church on
Thursday 23rd March 1893 at 8.00pm. The Vicar preached and members were
enrolled afterwards.”

The St Mary’s Melton Mowbray branch usually meets at Mary’s Place at St Mary’s, Burton Street on the 3rd Friday of each month at 2.00pm unless otherwise indicated in the programme.  We have an exciting and informative series of talks and welcome you to come.


St Mary’s Branch Officers for 2023

Leader Gillian Beavis:  Call 01664 851386
Secretary Helen Bett   Call  01664 857420
Treasurer Gillian Beavis Call  01664 851386


Programme of Activities for 2023

New members and/or visitors always welcomed – for more information contact Gillian Beavis 01664 851386 or Helen Bett 01664 857420

19th May: Desert Islands Discs-MU style’ Talk by Rev’d Pam Harvey

16th June: My Memory Box’ Talk by Wendy Nye

21st July: The Spirituality of a Chaplain Talk by Dr. Ted Hutchin

August: Holiday month

29th September: Annual Holy Communion Service Rev’d Dr Mary Barr

20th October: Art and Prayer Talk by Linda Pearson

17th November: The Origins of some of our Traditions Talk by Helen Bett

8th December: Advent Reflections Rev’d Dr Mary Barr

How To Find Us

Parish Office                                                  

8 Burton Street, Melton Mowbray
Leicestershire, LE13 1AE
United Kingdom

January 2023 issue

Parish Office


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