
St James Burton Lazars
Act Of Remembrance Poppies
Carefully made by our congregation and friends our grateful thanks they are amazing

Christmas Tree Festival 2023

Fun at the Light Party at St James Burton Lazars 

Installation of New Team Rector, Revd. Dr. Mary Barr, by the Bishop of Leicester  Very Revd. Martyn Snow, and the Archdeacon of Leicester, The Ven. Richard Worsfold

Harvest at Thorpe

Sunday 1st October 2023

Freeby Harvest Worship

 Saturday 24th September 2023 


 Saturday 1st July 2023 

How To Find Us

Parish Office                                                  

8 Burton Street, Melton Mowbray
Leicestershire, LE13 1AE
United Kingdom

January 2023 issue

Parish Office


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