St Mary's Church Melton Mowbray

St Mary the Virgin Thorpe Arnold

St James' Church Burton Lazars

St Bartholomew's Church Welby

St Leonard's Sysonby

St Mary's Freeby


Our Churches serve the Communities of Melton Mowbray, Thorpe Arnold, Burton Lazars, Welby, Sysonby and Freeby.

Our Mission is to be

“Open to God by placing God at the centre of our lives and sharing Gods love with all“
We welcome you to come and join in!
Click on the YouTube video link for an overview of St Marys Melton.

Welcome to the Melton Mowbray Team Parish!

There’s so much useful and interesting information about our Team Parish on this, our new website – do take time to explore it.


And, if possible, we look forward to meeting you in person soon.

Every Blessing,
Mary (Barr)
Team Rector 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, do contact Julia, the Website Administrator by email


Church Services across the Team Parish

Life Events

Weddings, Baptisms and Thanks Giving for the gift of a child, Confirmation, Funerals and Memorial Services.

Latest News

Keep up to date with news and events


It is the House of Bishops policy that parishes need to display information about their safeguarding arrangements.

Team Rector Writes



Dear Friends,

“Unprecedented”! It is a word that can be over-used. But many people have rightly used it about various turns-of-events during the past year. It is an accurate description, for example, of the resignation of an Archbishop of Canterbury over an institutional failure in the Church of England. And as 2024 drew to a close, it would be a brave, or a foolish, person who’d claim to predict with certainty what 2025 will be like.

As we journey into the New Year, there are so many uncertainties confronting us at so many different levels – personal, national, and global. Across the Atlantic, what will the incoming Presidency of Donald Trump mean for the United States and world? Will on-going conflicts in the Middle East be resolved, and will the change of leadership in Syria make a significant difference? And what about Russia’s war on Ukraine…? In a world overshadowed by escalating conflict in different places, political turmoil, and the climate change crisis, what might all this mean for us? None of us know the answers to such questions, but our lives and livelihoods, our health and the wellbeing of the earth itself are bound up in the answers that emerge over the course of time. And, as if that wasn’t enough, there may be unpredictability closer to home, concerns about our family or friends, or about ourselves – health worries, financial or relationship worries, and so on.

The unpredictability of the future can leave us feeling unsettled or anxious. Yet Jesus tells His followers: “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”. (Matthew 6.34) Corrie ten Boom was a Dutch Christian who, with her family, helped hundreds of Jewish people escape the Nazi Holocaust, and then herself survived incarceration in Ravensbrück concentration camp. She later wrote this: “Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength – carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength”.

Although worrying might come naturally to us (it does to me!) the Bible frequently encourages us to keep on handing our anxieties to the Lord in trustful prayer, to cast all our anxiety on God, because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). So perhaps, in the face of the unpredictable nature of the coming months, you and I could resolve to heed the words of St Paul: “The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 5 – 7)

May God’s all-surpassing peace be with you throughout this year,


Upcoming Events

A new venture starts soon at St Mary’s Church, Melton Mowbray, where visitors can enjoy a warm meal for ‘a very reasonable price’.

Those who attend can get soup and a roll for £2 or soup and a sandwich for £3 with free tea and coffee as well.

Organiser Karen Balding said: “This is a new venture which we are aimed at providing a simple lunch at a very reasonable price in a warm and friendly environment.

“It’s called ‘Souper Tuesday’ and will initially run once a month in our beautiful St Mary’s parish church.

“The first event will be on Tuesday 18th February, from 11am to 1pm and we will be offering Soup and a roll for £2 or Soup and a sandwich for £3 with free tea and coffee.

“It will be manned by volunteers from the church and the wider community. Everyone is welcome, so hope to see you there.

THE SACRAMENTS  :  Responding to God’s loving invitation

Our Melton Team Parish Lent Course this year will use York Courses material by Dr Jane Williams.  Each of the 5 sessions will include a short video, Bible study, discussion and prayer – and refreshments.

Acknowledging that the sacraments can seem confusing, divisive or (frankly!) incomprehensible, Jane Williams reveals them to be a glorious expression of God’s love for the world in all its beauty and brokenness. The sacraments invite us to enter into the mystery that the world has meaning and purpose and that all things come together in Jesus. If we are willing, in loving response, to become part of the action ourselves, we will surely find ourselves refreshed and our discipleship reinvigorated.

Jane Williams is the McDonald Professor in Christian Theology at St Mellitus College, London, and a visiting Lecturer at King’s College London. On each video she is joined by Dr Sharon Prentis, Deputy Director of the Racial Justice Unit, and Professor James Walters, Founding Director of LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) Faith Centre, as they discuss the themes of the course in an engaging and accessible way.

All are welcome to join us in St Mary’s Church, Melton Mowbray at  7.30pm on the following Monday evenings:

Session 1 – 17th March ~ What is a sacrament?

Session 2 – 24th March ~ God loves creation

Session 3 – 31st March ~ Jesus-shaped sacraments

Session 4 – 7th April ~ Sacraments of presence in a broken world

Session 5 – 14th April ~ Sacraments as a pledge of the Holy Spirit

This Course would also provide preparation for anyone considering Confirmation. At a Confirmation Service, those being confirmed publicly express their commitment to follow Jesus Christ, and through prayers and the laying on of hands by the Bishop, the Church asks God to give them the power of the Holy Spirit to live the Christian life.

For more information please contact the Revd Dr Mary Barr   Team Rector


St Marys Church, Melton Mowbray

Opening Times

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 10.00am – 2pm

Thursdays and Fridays 10.00am to 12.00pm

Interested How to Become a St Mary’s Melton Mowbray Church Welcomer.

Could you join the team to help now and again, two hours a month two hours a week? Please speak to Brenda or Tony Rous in church or call 077749144149, for more information.

How to Find Us

St. Mary’s Church – Melton Mowbray

St. Mary’s Church – Melton Mowbray

8 Burton Street, Melton Mowbray
Leicestershire, LE13 1AE
United Kingdom

St. Mary’s Church – Melton Mowbray

St. Mary's Church
Church Street Melton Mowbray LE13 0PW

St Mary the Virgin, Thorpe Arnold



LE14 4RU

St James' Church, Burton Lazars


St Bartholomew’s Church, Welby

St Leonard's Church, Sysonby

St Mary’s Church Freeby